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About Us

Treefarm For Sale


Who You Are

Growth Trends

Why It Works

Future Directions

Low Hanging Fruit

Seasonal Cycle

Due Diligence

How It Works

Next Step

What You Get


Sugar Bush

Buying for Resale

Caliper Trees

Edible Landscaping

Field Trees

Seedling Sales

Shelterbelt Production


Native Trees & Shrubs

Christmas Trees

Climate Change

Wild Crafting


Carbon Farming

New Destination

Government Contracts

A Better Swedish Aspen

Infra Structure


Long Term Inventory

Plug Production


Seed Orchards

One man's "magic" is another man's engineering. "Supernatural" is a null word.
Robert A. Heinlein


Becoming a Centre for Learning

This ties into Wildcrafting and Agroforestry.

Workshops are better than free advertising. People are paying YOU to hear about Sherwood’s Forests. You become a hub, a centre for information exchange, a marketplace for ideas.

As a hub we become a point of contact, we build brand awareness. We need to have examples of what we talk about. This is useful in selling trees anyway. We already have a demo garden with most of our ornamentals and shelterbelt trees in it.

For this to really work we need at least primative rest room facilities.

Having a place to do this inside, at least out of the wind, extends the season. Add heat and it’s a year round venue.

In addition to running our own courses here, the facility can be rented out to various permaculture, fruit and nut, and woodlot oriented groups.

Possible topics

There may be possibilities as a teaching location for guest lecturers. Permaculturists may want to set up demonstration plots. Local classes may want to borrow the highly diverse bush for classes in ecology (or may want to hire staff to do a talk and demo on local plant life.) Broad use implies the need for better facilities. It may change liability insurance requirments.

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Want to talk right now? Talk to me: (8 am to 8 pm only, please) 1-780-848-2548

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Copyright © 2008 - 2018 S. G. Botsford

Sherwood's Forests is located about 75 km southwest of Edmonton, Alberta. Please refer to the map on our Contact page for directions.