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About Us

Treefarm For Sale


Who You Are

Growth Trends

Why It Works

Future Directions

Low Hanging Fruit

Seasonal Cycle

Due Diligence

How It Works

Next Step

What You Get


Men are more sentimental than women. It blurs their thinking.
Robert A. Heinlein

Exciting Skies

Six Major Growth Trends

It’s a Great Time to Have a Tree Farm

Given the growth of the tree farm, and our love for country life, you'd think we'd be fools to leave but we have a granddaughter on the west coast and these bones of ours aren't getting any younger. Work that used to be easy to do… well I feel it more every year. Where I used to eat supper and go out and put in another three hours, now I want to watch a TV show and crash. It feels like the right time to a change of lifestyle and scenery. Frankly, there is about 3 months too much winter.

And, perhaps, you're in the same boat - needing a change of scenery, a change of purpose, a new dream to follow.

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Want to talk right now? Talk to me: (8 am to 8 pm only, please) 1-780-848-2548

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Copyright © 2008 - 2018 S. G. Botsford

Sherwood's Forests is located about 75 km southwest of Edmonton, Alberta. Please refer to the map on our Contact page for directions.