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A brute kills for pleasure. A fool kills from hate.
Robert A. Heinlein

Christmas Trees

Get lost while finding the perfect tree

At present there is the remnants of a Christmas Tree maze -- 4 miles of spaghetti trail scribbled into 16 acres. The idea was that each block of the jigsaw puzzle would be one species of tree. It would take about 8,000 trees to fill the maze. I started this as a way to use up trees that weren't pretty enough for retail.

The numbers were discouraging, and in the end, I decided that I had enough to do:

The way to make this really work is to make the farm a winter destination. Get people to come for more than a Christmas tree.


To run this you would need people for the following roles.

For a 4 weekend program you need to hire your team for 4 weekends plus one training day. If they work from 10 to 4 and grab lunch on the fly it will be 5 people * 9 days * 6 hours = 270 man hours. At $15/hour that's about $4000.

Potential problems

There are a few items that may puncture this idyllic balloon.


If you sell 50 trees a weekend with a $80/car entry fee you have a cash flow of $16,000 on entrance fees alone. You will also have some costs associated with the concessions, but they should be covered by extra concession ticket sales. Is this worth it? 50 trees is a new customer on the average showing up every 12 minutes. But it won't work like that. Half of them will show up between 10:30 and 11:30, with another quarter in the half hour before and after. Most will stay for about 3 hours, unless the weather is bitter cold, or if there is no snow. Indeed, if there is no snow, you may sell all 200 trees in the last week in November. Don't expect that, but have a plan for that.

So you will need to have, probably 30 bush saws to loan out and lose.

In addition to this, you need to chuck some resources at the maze in the summer. Christmas trees need to be pruned -- I think starting at age 4, and every couple years after that. You have replacement trees to plant, but I have had success even as late as November transplanting into the maze.

Is it worth it? It’s a small factor in the scheme of things. And you have your own family preps for Christmas. Fall farm activities often run into November, so December is one of the few really slow periods in the year.

Flip side: It gives another time frame for brand awareness. People will know you are there, and so may come back for their apple tree later.

This ramps up slowly. Right now there are only a few hundred trees in the maze, and you need to add 300 a year to have some selection. You don’t have to make up your mind right away.

Typical Pine

Lodgepole Pine in our front yard.

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Copyright © 2008 - 2018 S. G. Botsford

Sherwood's Forests is located about 75 km southwest of Edmonton, Alberta. Please refer to the map on our Contact page for directions.