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About Us

Treefarm For Sale


Who You Are

Growth Trends

Why It Works

Future Directions

Low Hanging Fruit

Seasonal Cycle

Due Diligence

How It Works

Next Step

What You Get


Man is not a rational animal, he is a rationalizing animal.
Robert A. Heinlein

All this low hanging fruit.

If ya’ll ‘re so smart, why ain’t ya rich?

Why aren't you doing this now?

Most excellent question. The Future Directions page has all these ways to increase income. It’s very reasonable to ask why we aren’t already there.

The answer: There are only so many hours in a day. A nominally retired old fart (I was 65 last fall) has only so much energy. That said: We've already done a lot, and are not resting on our backsides:

Tree farming is about time. Much of the effort is at the front end. Get the tree, stuff it in a pot. Then wait for 2-3 years to increase in value. Sell or put into a bigger pot. Lather, Rinse, Repeat. During the wait times, you give it small bits of attention to water, fertilizer, and weeds.

Typical Pine

Lodgepole Pine in our front yard.

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Want to talk right now? Talk to me: (8 am to 8 pm only, please) 1-780-848-2548

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Copyright © 2008 - 2018 S. G. Botsford

Sherwood's Forests is located about 75 km southwest of Edmonton, Alberta. Please refer to the map on our Contact page for directions.